Lypura ć


  • 01. A wolf is a wolf
  • 02. Return.youth
  • 03. Tiny Sledgehammer blows
  • 04. Knuckles – Tell them
  • 05. Aftermath
  • 06. Mold
  • 07. Re:Convalescence
  • 08. I’m alone – Seclusion
  • 09. Care
  • 10. Pellets
  • 11. Clarity
Three people – three objects – third letter of the alphabet: on our new record “ć”, we delved into more versatile and multi-layered compositions than we did on our two previous releases („á“ and „b́“).

When we founded LYPURÁ in 2015 as a band among friends, it was clear that musically this should go somewhere into the “screamo”-direction and that we wanted a band in which all three of us would use our voices as well as our instruments on equal terms. Although this often proved challenging, we soon had the feeling that it also had a positive effect on the overall sound of the band.

Lyrically, “ć” continues to work through personal moments, thoughts and emotions which we feel are nevertheless still relevant on a broader social level. Where do you see yourself in your social environment and in society in general? How does getting older affect the way you perceive yourself and others? How can you overcome the taboo of talking about personal feelings? How do you deal with failed relationships and the attempt to build new ones?

FFO: The Saddest Landscape, Funeral Diner, Algernon Cadwallader.
Pressing Information:
  • 100 x clear with silver green and purple splatter 12″ LP
  • 200 x deep blue 12 ” LP
  • All vinyls coming with an off coated cover and a white one
  • Releasedate: 28.05.2023
  • Labelcode: #TLR078
  • Formats: LP / DIGITAL